Term 2 Reflection


I feel satisfied about my performance. My favourite part is the time when we played Hunter and dodgeball with Mr.Sherretts class. That was really fun. This term I learned that Ancient Greeks had no laws until 900-1200 BC. Something that I’m proud of from this term is my math. Something I can improve is my effort and neatness and also french. Also I can improve on speaking up louder in front of the class. And I should raise my hand a lot more in class to answer questions. I am looking forward to spring break this week.

Lance Armstrong


I think Lance Armstrong should be forgiven because he did alot of good things in his life. He started a cancer charity and he rasied half a billion dollars already. He did take steroids to win the race and he also took blood boosters to win the race.

Early Man Project


Day 1 shelter

I went to a time machine back along time ago to neanderthal time. I ended up in a cave. I saw a cave man they lived in caves I followed him. He went to a hut there were rocks around the hut. It seems like they live in huts. I saw dug holes underground I went to explore it I saw stuff neanderthal live in the huts.

Day 2 food

Hey today i saw a neanderthal man hunt for food i saw one spear a reindeer.After he killed it he cut it open and ate the meat. I followed an other man he was going to a river. I saw him using a rod thing to catch fish. I saw a neaderthal man holding a spear chasing a horse , they were yelling! I chased the manand saw him kill a horse. I was still following him, he went to a village i saw peope collecting berries and they ate it

Day 3 tools

I just saw a neanderthal man using a stone spear kill a reindeer i went to a village i saw people cutting stuff with a stone knife but it didnt look like a it looked more like a sharpend rock.A man was cutting a tree with a stone axe. I followed a cave man he was holding a stone axe and a stone projectile. He was about to kill someone. Antlers were used as weapons.

Day 4 appearance

I was exploring today suddenly i saw a man with large cheeks it was a neanderthal man . It had big bones and his face was flat and hairy.They look like apes. They walk like chimps and are very short.There heads are big but there brains are smaller then normal humans.

Day 5

I woke up to day suddenly a man with leather hide and one man was wearing animal hide and one man was wearing a copper neckalace and fur pants. A guy was wraped with a blkanet around him mammoth hide was used for clothing and shelter



Neering, Rosemary. Other Places Other Times

Toronto: Gage Educational, 1986

Baldwin, Allen. Neanderthals facts page

The legend Universe Legend.baldwincs.com

Frater, J. Top10 misconseption about Neanderthal

June, 16/2009 listverse.com/2009/06/16/top-10-misconseptions-about-neanderthals/

Ancient civilizations. Food, Clothing and Shelter


Day 1 Shelter


I went to a time machine back along time ago to neanderthal time. I ended up in a cave. I saw a cave man they lived in caves I followed him. He went to a hut there were rocks around the hut. It seems like they live in huts. I saw dug holes underground I went to explore it I saw stuff neanderthal live in the huts.

Chapter 6 connection



Chapter 6 connection

I read a paragraph about the fire bug sounding the alarm. It reminded me of Star Wars the clone wars. When Anakin and Obiwan Kenobi were trying to steal the information in the droid ship. When a droid spotted them the droid turned on the alarm and Anakin and Obiwan went back to get the information and left.

Public Transit field trip


On October 10th our class went on a field trip.  We went on a sea bus and it was pretty fun.  We went to Waterfront park and we we climbed the large metal pole’s.  After we went to Pacific center and bought our lunch in the public market and some of us bought food form the food court. and after we went otho the seabus and we went back to the mall we only at food there and it was fun i liked it cause i was eating with my friends like victor.t nicolas and i shared my food with nickolas. i ate new york fries with a hot dog and a drink.But when we left alyissia and daniela they were in the apple store and mr.brown had to go back and get them we were half.

Goals for 2012-13


My school goal is to do work on time. printing properly reading everynight 20 minutes. Making sure to sit up straight in class. I should never leave my homework at home.Particpate in class.

My Social goal is to talk more and not be shy.Talk to my class mates  more.

My health goal is to eat fruit and vegtables that I can eat. going for a run everyday.Exersice more